John C. Reilly Heading For Guardians of the Galaxy?

John C. Reilly is the latest addition to the list of possible cast members attached to Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s rumoured the comedy actor is in talks to play Rhomann Dey – the Coulson of the Guardiancanon.

Early reports suggest that James Gunn’s intergalactic sci-fi epic will tell the story of: “a U.S. pilot who ends up in space in the middle of a universal conflict and goes on the run with futuristic ex-cons who have something everyone wants.”

Other names lined up to appear in the Marvel comic book adaption include Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Lee Pace, who will play the villain of the piece.

Guardians of the Galaxy will also answer questions regarding who Thanos (that giant purple dude was who popped up during the Avengers credits) is and what no doubt evil plans he has for our heroes.

The addition of Reilly could be an interesting one. He’ll give the film a bit of weight as he’s more than capable of playing meaty roles alongside comedy ones – see We Need To Talk About Kevin for proof.

GotG is due to start shooting next month, and is expected in cinemas on August 1st, 2014.


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