Tag Archives: clip

First Clip From Star Trek Into Darkness

If nothing makes you happier than hearing Chekov say: “Captain on the bridge!” then you’re going to love this.

The first clip from JJ Abrams’s upcoming sequel shows the crew of the Enterprise desperately trying to work out how to get Spock (Zachary Quinto) out of an active volcano.

It’s a perfect little tease to show the pressure Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk will be under in this new venture.

It’s exciting to see the crew back together again; Karl Urban’s Bones getting in a quick “Dammit!”, Scotty (Simon Pegg) being very Scottish, John Cho’s Sulu worrying about altitude and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) struggling to remain in control of her emotions – evidently she and Spock are still an item.

No sign of Benedict Cumberbatch’s chief antagonist John Harrison just yet, but we’ve not got long to wait.

Star Trek Into DarknessĀ is out on May 9th.