Tag Archives: tv spot

New Elysium TV Spot and Images

Neill Blomkamp’s much-anticipated Elysium is out in August, and the first TV spot has landed along with some shiny new stills.

Elysium stars Matt Damon as Max De Costa, a terminally-ill man living in 2154 whose only chance at survival is to leave the overpopulated, poverty-stricken Earth and go upwards to the exclusive Elysium – a floating metropolis and, unfortunately for Max, “the most heavily guarded place in the universe.”

Jodie Foster plays Secretary Rhodes, the woman in charge of keeping the place free from illness-ridden evacuees, and Sharlto Copley (who was brought to prominence in Blomkamp’s District 9) is the ruthless mercenary called Kruger.

Expect plenty of futuristic action and some subtle commentary about what we’re doing to the planet when it drops.

Jodie Foster in Elysium

Head over to the Empire website here to see the other two images.

Elysium is out on August 23rd.


New Man of Steel TV Spot

A new TV spot for Zack Snyder’s upcoming DC epic Man of Steel has arrived.

In it, Henry Cavill’s eponymous hero asks his father Jor-El (Russell Crowe) why he sent him to Earth.

Man of Steel stars Cavill, Crowe, Amy Adams (as Lois Lane) and Michael Shannon as the big baddie General Zod. It will tell the story of how little Kal-El, adopted by farmers and re-named Clark Kent after the destruction of his home planet Krypton, comes to terms with his super powers and becomes the famous red cloaked hero we all know as Superman.

Snyder is well-known for his use of visual effects, and has become the go-to guy for impressive set pieces thanks to films like 300 and Watchmen. From this spot alone it looks like Superman fans are in for a real treat.

Man of Steel is out on June 14th.
