Tag Archives: film: interstellar

Michael Caine Set To Go Interstellar

Michael Caine has signed on to appear in his sixth Christopher Nolan film – the upcoming astrophysics thriller Interstellar.

Caine has previously appeared in some of Nolan’s biggest and most successful films, including his Batman trilogy and Inception. Clearly Nolan considers him a lucky charm.

Interstellar tells the story of a group of scientists on a ‘heroic journey’ on “a voyage to the farthest borders of our scientific understanding”. Though further plot details are being kept firmly out of reach, we do know that it will also star Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway (who was Nolan’s Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises).

The sci-fi adventure was originally going to be directed by Steven Spielberg, before Nolan took over in January. He and his brother Jonathan have written the script.

Deadline reports that the film has a release date of November 7th, 2014.

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