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Whedon Confirms No Crossover Between Avengers And Guardians

Avengers Assemble helmer Joss Whedon has confirmed that there will be no chance of any crossover between his Marvel sequel and James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

This is despite the fact that one of the central characters in the Guardians universe, Thanos, appeared during the end credits of Avengers Assemble last summer.

Whedon made the announcement on the promotional tour for Much Ado About Nothing, stating:

“We’re following Guardians at Shepperton but we won’t be swapping cast members. Every movie is its own thing, and has to be.”

For now, there’s no way Captain America will be teaming up with Star Lord unless Whedon decides to “take a lot of peyote and write a very different draft… and I’m not ruling that out!”

Guardians of the Galaxy is out on August 1st 2014 and the Avengers sequel will be in cinemas sometime in 2015.


Is Dredd Getting A Sequel?

Karl Urban has revealed that a sequel to 2012’s Dredd is “not off the agenda”, despite the comic book adaption only raking in $35million worldwide against a budget of $45million.

The first film recieved mostly positive reviews but failed to attract a mainstream audience.

Director Peter Travis and screenwriter Alex Garland brought the character into modern times with a gritty actioner set in ‘MegaCity-One’, a dystopian city on America’s east coast. It also starred Olivia Thirlby and Lena Heady.

Speaking to collider.com, Urban (who played the titular judge, jury and executioner) has this to say:

“Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning.  It’s not off the agenda.  Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it.  It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because, it can happen.  The power of fandom can resurrect projects.  In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek.  They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”


Universal delays Jurassic Park 4

Jurassic Park 4 won’t be meeting its scheduled 2014 release date, after Universal decided to put the dino-epic on hold.

Initital clues that things weren’t going swimmingly started appearing on Tuesday when crewmembers tweeted that JP4 was being delayed, and this was followed up by an official statement from Universal yesterday.

“Universal has decided to release Jurassic Park 4 at a later date giving the studio and filmmakers adequate time to bring audiences the best possible version of the fourth instalment in Universal’s beloved franchise. We could not be more excited about the vision that Colin Trevorrow has created for this film, and we look forward to watching as he and the producers create another great chapter in this franchise’s storied history.”

Reasons for the delay range from issues with the script (written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver) to the amount of time its taking to get the casting sorted out. The production company is keen to stress that the delay is just that, and that the film hasn’t been scrapped.

No plot details have been released as yet, but director Colin Trevorrow has hinted that the story will take place on the island of Isla Nubar, where the first film was set.

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New Poster For The World’s End

The final installment of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright’s Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy has itself a brand new poster.

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Simon Pegg and Nick Frost face The World's End

The World’s End finds Pegg’s slacker character reunite with his old friends to complete an epic pub crawl across twelve drinking spots. Unfortunately the world decides to come to what looks like its fiery termination during their challenge, which is sure to throw a spanner in the works.

And what’s up with the people in the background and their lens-flaring blue eyes? And what exactly does the cross branded on Pegg’s forehead mean?

The film, which also stars Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine and Eddie Marsan, has had its release date moved forward, meaning it’ll be on our screens much sooner than anticipated.

July 19th, to be specific.


Ewan McGregor Signs Up For Jane Got A Gun

Ewan McGregor has become the latest in a string of actors to sign up for the beleaguered Western Jane Got A Gun.

The Scottish actor is set to step into the shoes most recently vacated by Oscar-nominee Bradley Cooper, who was forced to walk earlier this month because of scheduling conflicts. Jude Law was the man originally cast as the villain opposite Natalie Portman’s eponymous Jane, but he left after Lynne Ramsay controversially dropped out the day filming was due to start.

Jane Got A Gun now has Gavin O’Connor in the director’s chair. The indie flick tells the story of a woman who contacts her ex (Joel Edgerton) after her husband (Noah Emmerich) returns home following a shootout with the gang that doubled-crossed him. McGregor will play the leader of said gang, giving him a chance to flex his bad-guy acting chops.

McGregor was most recently seen on the big screen in Bryan Singer’s Jack The Giant Slayer, and will appear alongside Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts and fellow Brit Benedict Cumberbatch in August: Osage County due this December.


Michael Caine Set To Go Interstellar

Michael Caine has signed on to appear in his sixth Christopher Nolan film – the upcoming astrophysics thriller Interstellar.

Caine has previously appeared in some of Nolan’s biggest and most successful films, including his Batman trilogy and Inception. Clearly Nolan considers him a lucky charm.

Interstellar tells the story of a group of scientists on a ‘heroic journey’ on “a voyage to the farthest borders of our scientific understanding”. Though further plot details are being kept firmly out of reach, we do know that it will also star Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway (who was Nolan’s Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises).

The sci-fi adventure was originally going to be directed by Steven Spielberg, before Nolan took over in January. He and his brother Jonathan have written the script.

Deadline reports that the film has a release date of November 7th, 2014.

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Bryan Singer Tweets Kitty Pryde Photo

X-Men: Days of Future Past just keeps getting more exciting. The most recent on-set photo tweet from director Bryan Singer shows Ellen Page’s Kitty Pryde gazing up at Shawn Ashmore’s Iceman Bobby Drake.

(Click to enlarge)

Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde and her ability to pass through solid walls was relatively unexplored up until the disappointing The Last Stand. Fans of the comic books will also be pleased to hear that Daniel Cudmore will be returning to play Colossus – perhaps Singer will explore their relationship in his sequel…

The plot details are still being kept under wraps, but Marvel’s creative consultant Mark Millar has promised a much more action-packed adventure: “You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes – it’s got everything in one film.”

Days of Future Past will also see Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry slip back into their mutant roles.

The film is out on July 17th 2014.



Three New Clips From Star Trek Into Darkness

With less than a week to go before Star Trek Into Darkness beams into UK cinemas, three new clips are now available for your viewing pleasure.

The first has Kirk (Chris Pine) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) in a conversation that suggests things aren’t so happy between the communications expert and Spock, and also that the captain is getting more and more irritated with the Vulcan constantly second guessing him. What this will mean for crew dynamics as the film progresses, we’ll have to wait and see.

The second throws us straight back into the action, with Kirk and Scotty (Simon Pegg) on an Inception-style gravity bending journey down into the heart of a severely damaged Enterprise.

And the third new clip introduces Alice Eve’s Dr Carol Marcus (here calling herself Dr Carol Wallace), much to Kirk’s apparent delight. Spock on the other hand doesn’t seem so keen to have this extra ‘redundant’ crew member on board…

Star Trek Into Darkness is out on May 9th, and will be reviewed shortly after.

John Williams To Score Star Wars VII?

Here’s something to get despondent Star Wars fans excited for Episode VII – John Williams looks set to return to write the music.

At a press conference for Star Trek Into Darkness, which he’s currently promoting, director JJ Abrams admitted that he doubts long-time soundtrack partner Michael Giacchino (who scored LostStar Trek (2009) and Pixar’s Up) would be doing it and that he thinks Williams will be on board:

“Michael Giacchino is an incredible composer, who I was lucky enough to begin working with on Alias. He’s truly one of the most influential members of our crew, and I think [on] this score, he really outdid himself. Again, for Star Wars, it’s very early days, but I believe that, going forward, John Williams will be doing that film, because he was there long before I was.”

Williams has established himself as one of the most successful film composers in history over the course of his 60 year career, with five Academy Awards to his name. He is one of Steven Spielberg’s longest collaborators, having worked on iconic pictures like Jurassic ParkJaws and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.


Bradley Cooper Exits Jane Got A Gun

Oscar-nominee Bradley Cooper has become the latest actor to walk from Jane Got A Gun. His departure follows that of Michael Fassbender and Jude Law, as well as the unexpected exit of original director Lynne Ramsay the day shooting was meant to begin.

The film, which stars Natalie Portman as the titular Jane, has been plagued by production issues pretty much from the start. Cooper has been forced to walk because of scheduling conflicts; the Boston bombing delayed filming on his current project, David O. Russell’s American Hustle and he’ll be spending the summer promoting The Hangover Part III.

Set in the Wild West, Jane Got A Gun will (eventually) tell the story of a woman who contacts her ex (Joel Edgerton) to save her home from the gang who murdered her husband.

Reports suggest the producers have until June to find a replacement and are now looking at Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hiddleston and Jake Gyllenhaal to fill the gap.
