Tag Archives: film: star trek into darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Review

“I hate this!” shouts Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy (Karl Urban) to Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) as they hotfoot it through a forest of vermilion trees and away from an angry, indigenous alien tribe. “I know you do!” Kirk quips back, before the duo plunge off the edge of a cliff.

There’s no need for any backstory here; Star Trek (2009) re-introduced audiences to the crew of the USS Enterprise and left them heading into warp with Kirk as the newly promoted skipper. Star Trek Into Darkness barely lets you settle into your seat before it hurls you (thrusters firmly on full) back into the action.

After joining the crew mid-mission on the planet Nibiru – where Kirk and Bones do the running away thing and Zachary Quinto’s Lt. Spock enters an erupting volcano – we head back to Earth. Renegade Starfleet agent John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) has bombed London and declared war against the Federation. Kirk’s job? To hunt him down and take him out.

A task easier said than done, as Harrison proves to be a menacing, highly intelligent, seemingly indestructible villain. Cumberbatch is absolutely the “one man weapon of mass destruction” we were promised; violent, merciless and purring out his chilling discourse with a compelling intensity. He makes Nero look like a puppy.

Star Trek Into Darkness is very much the story of how Kirk learns to be a captain. His cocksure attitude and disregard for the rules continually put his crew in danger and, facing a nemesis like Harrison, he’s forced to grow up. Vulcan Spock too is on a learning curve, attempting to connect to his half-human side and understand the complexities of his relationship with Lt. Uhura (Zoe Saldana).

It’s a shame that the motivation behind Harrison’s attacks is somewhat complicated and blurred in pages of technical dialogue, but such is the risk of upping the scale in a universe beloved by sci-fi-savvy fans. Alice Eve is an interesting addition as Dr Carol Marcus, a character with much potential but who unfortunately fizzles out near the end.

Despite this, it’s a stunning piece of film. If you want space-porn, you get it, if you’re hoping to see much more of the Enterprise, you get it. If you love high-octane fight sequences with phasers, lasers and whatever else – you get it. The wispy blue trail left behind after the ship goes to warp is reason enough to see Into Darkness in 3D. Props to cinematographer Dan Mindel for making sure the visuals perfectly complement the magnitude of the movie.

Though Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof’s script doesn’t dispel entirely with the comedy, the film certainly isn’t as light as Star Trek. Scotty is there to serve as the comic relief when the moments do come though and Simon Pegg does a fine job punctuating the tense scenes with a bit of well-needed humour. It’s also worth noting how well they’ve made sure each character gets their moment to shine, whether its John Cho’s pilot Sulu threatening Harrison or Chekov (Anton Yelchin) struggling with an unexpected promotion.

In the special features for Star Trek, Orci admits that a movie is only as good as its bad guy. Luckily, Harrison is a tremendous foe – thus Into Darkness is bigger, better, cleverer and much more ambitious. It’s Abrams at his best. With cracking action and clever references to The Original Series it should please the established fanboys and girls as well as the newcomers, and serve as a show reel for what we can expect from Abrams when it comes to Star Wars VII.


Three New Clips From Star Trek Into Darkness

With less than a week to go before Star Trek Into Darkness beams into UK cinemas, three new clips are now available for your viewing pleasure.

The first has Kirk (Chris Pine) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) in a conversation that suggests things aren’t so happy between the communications expert and Spock, and also that the captain is getting more and more irritated with the Vulcan constantly second guessing him. What this will mean for crew dynamics as the film progresses, we’ll have to wait and see.

The second throws us straight back into the action, with Kirk and Scotty (Simon Pegg) on an Inception-style gravity bending journey down into the heart of a severely damaged Enterprise.

And the third new clip introduces Alice Eve’s Dr Carol Marcus (here calling herself Dr Carol Wallace), much to Kirk’s apparent delight. Spock on the other hand doesn’t seem so keen to have this extra ‘redundant’ crew member on board…

Star Trek Into Darkness is out on May 9th, and will be reviewed shortly after.

New Clip From Star Trek Into Darkness

Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk confronts John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) in a brand new clip from Star Trek Into Darkness, courtesy of Paramount International.

The official synopsis of the film is as follows:

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organisation has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.

With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.

As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

From this short clip alone it looks like Harrison’s every bit as menacing as we’ve been promised, delivering a cryptic warning and testing the captain’s patience.

It also gives us plenty to ponder over, chiefly – what will Kirk find at those co-ordinates? And what (or who) are the 72 reasons Harrison can list?

We’ve not got long to wait before we can find out. Star Trek Into Darkness is out May 9th.


First Clip From Star Trek Into Darkness

If nothing makes you happier than hearing Chekov say: “Captain on the bridge!” then you’re going to love this.

The first clip from JJ Abrams’s upcoming sequel shows the crew of the Enterprise desperately trying to work out how to get Spock (Zachary Quinto) out of an active volcano.

It’s a perfect little tease to show the pressure Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk will be under in this new venture.

It’s exciting to see the crew back together again; Karl Urban’s Bones getting in a quick “Dammit!”, Scotty (Simon Pegg) being very Scottish, John Cho’s Sulu worrying about altitude and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) struggling to remain in control of her emotions – evidently she and Spock are still an item.

No sign of Benedict Cumberbatch’s chief antagonist John Harrison just yet, but we’ve not got long to wait.

Star Trek Into Darkness is out on May 9th.

Star Trek Into Darkness Has A New Poster, Trailer Expected Soon

The first proper poster for JJ Abrams’ Star Trek Into Darkness is finally available for viewing. The unveiling of the poster no doubt means that the trailer will be released very shortly.

Star Trek Into Darkness Poster

Cinema-goers settling down to watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in IMAX this month will also be treated to a special 9-minute preview clip of the sequel to 2009’s Star Trek.

The poster shows Benedict Cumberbatch’s mysterious villain staring out at a scene of destruction, framed by the Starfleet insignia. The London skyline stands before him. Rumours are still flying around with regards to who exactly Cumberbatch is playing, especially since the offical synopsis of the film hints at a “one man weapon of mass destruction”.

In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organisation has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis.

With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.

As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.”

Chris Pine and  Zachary Quinto reprise their roles as Captain Kirk and Spock respectively. Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin, John Cho and Simon Pegg are also all confirmed in their roles as the returning crew of the Enterprise. Newcomers include British actors Alice Eve and Noel Clarke.

Star Trek Into Darkness is expected in cinemas on May 17th, 2013.