Tag Archives: film: x-men: days of future past

Nixon In Office In Latest X-Men Tweet

Bryan Singer’s latest on-set tweet from the Days Of Future Past shoot shows President Nixon leading a meeting in the Oval Office.

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Singer accompanied the image with the tagline “Pivotal meeting”. Of course we all remember the excellent opening scene in X2, where Nightcrawler teleports inside the White House and lays most of the security staff to waste. That’s still to come in the X-Men movie canon though, as Days Of Future Past has a particularly 70s feel.

The plot details are still being kept under wraps, but Marvel’s creative consultant Mark Millar has promised a much more action-packed adventure: “You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes – it’s got everything in one film.”

With a cast boasting the returning First Class Xavier and Magneto, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, as well as Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult – Singer has also lined up a whole host of original mutant trilogy alumni including Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Ellen Page and Patrick Stewart (when he’s not eating slices of pizza).

Days Of Future Past is out on July 17th, 2014.

Bryan Singer Tweets Another X-Men Set Photo

The latest behind-the-scenes image? James McAvoy’s Prof. Charles Xavier dressed in a lurid shirt, sitting in that wheelchair.

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McAvoy in Days of Future Past

The photo is accompanied by the hashtag “Serpico”; McAvoy looks like a dead ringer for Al Pacino’s 70s cop. Though plot details are still under wraps, we do know that there will be time-travel involved and from this tweet it seems a chunk of the action will be taking place back in the garish hippie-centric decade.

X-Men: Days of Future Past already boasts an impressive cast of mutants, many of whom are returning from the first three films. In the last month director Bryan Singer has also teased us with set photos of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde and Halle Berry as Storm.

The film is based on the comic book storyline of the same name, set in a dystopian future where mutants are locked away from the rest of humanity.

Days of Future Past is due in cinemas on July 17th next year.


Bryan Singer Tweets Kitty Pryde Photo

X-Men: Days of Future Past just keeps getting more exciting. The most recent on-set photo tweet from director Bryan Singer shows Ellen Page’s Kitty Pryde gazing up at Shawn Ashmore’s Iceman Bobby Drake.

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Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde and her ability to pass through solid walls was relatively unexplored up until the disappointing The Last Stand. Fans of the comic books will also be pleased to hear that Daniel Cudmore will be returning to play Colossus – perhaps Singer will explore their relationship in his sequel…

The plot details are still being kept under wraps, but Marvel’s creative consultant Mark Millar has promised a much more action-packed adventure: “You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes – it’s got everything in one film.”

Days of Future Past will also see Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry slip back into their mutant roles.

The film is out on July 17th 2014.



X-Men Director Bryan Singer Tweets Wolverine Set Photo

Like The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s Marc Webb, X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer is no stranger to the on-set photo diary. Followers have already been treated to a short video of the actors’ chairs and a slightly underwhelming photo of Halle Berry in her new Storm gear.

His latest little tease is probably enough to get people psyched up again; a photo taken behind Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman. 

Director Bryan Singer uploaded the photo with the caption: "Fitting"
Director Bryan Singer uploaded the photo with the caption: “Fitting”

The mutton-chopped hero was the unexpected cameo in X-Men: First Class back in 2011, and with a cast boasting returning X-Men alumni like Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page and Shawn Ashmore – the sequel may serve as a giant (awesome) mutant love-in.

The plot details are still being kept under wraps, but Marvel’s creative consultant Mark Millar has promised a much more action-packed adventure: “You’ve got robots, you’ve got time travel, you’ve got superheroes – it’s got everything in one film.”
